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Abstract submission for Poster Presentations

Posters represent a critical and exciting component of most scientific meetings. Of all the presentation formats, posters have the advantage of being concise, visually appealing, engaging, and fixed in terms of amount of information conveyed. Posters serve as a nice way for beginning professionals to share their research with others, because all the information is on display for others to read at their convenience and questions and answers will either occur in a one-on-one or email format. Because the posters are left up for the entire conference, they have the added advantage of being a central gathering place for many attendees to meet, greet, or simply kill time. Many presenters will then put their posters up at their company after the conference.

The submission process takes place via this call for abstracts platform. To provide your abstract, please follow the below steps and take note of the guidelines.

  1. Create your profile
  2. Carefully read the instructions, the below paper on poster data basics and the review criteria
  3. Create your abstract submission
  4. Finalise your submission and click on 'save & submit'​​​​​​​

All complete submissions will be reviewed by the poster judges taking into account the following criteria:

  • Creativity/Innovation
  • Technical Rigor
  • Impact potential
  • Presentation/Clarity

The content most appropriate for poster presentations would be actual research studies as well as new or innovative processes formally evaluated by organizations wishing to include them in day-to-day operations.


After this first revision, we will inform you whether your abstract qualifies to be presented as a poster or not. Please note that this does not mean it is automatically accepted. Based on the feedback of the judges, you will be asked to submit a draft poster for a final revision, after which you will be able to work on the final poster presentation.